Hank Haney on How To Do the Correct Grip on a Golf Club | Golf Basics | Golf Digest

Golf instructor Hank Haney explains the importance of a correct grip and offers a simple way to check yours.

It’s all about the fundamentals. Learn proper grip and body alignment to ensure a smooth swing.

The first fundamental that everyone talks about
in golf is the grip.
And the reason being is it’s the most important
because your hands are the only contact you have
with the golf club, and the clubface
is hitting the golf ball in determining which way
it starts and which way it curves.
So if your clubface is off just a little bit,
and that means if your grip is off just a little bit,
it’s gonna cause potentially a huge difference
in where the golf ball goes.
So when you’re checking your grip,
make sure, first and foremost, that your grip
is always the same.
It’s a good idea to check it in
the mirror every once in a while just
to make sure that today, when you go out
to play golf, your grip feels
and looks exactly like it did yesterday.
The most important thing is consistency.
When you get off with your grip,
one of the most common mistakes
that I see, is players tend to get their right hand just
a little too much underneath on the club.
And maybe their left hand a little bit too weak.
So what happens is, is their hands
are opposing one another instead of working together.
So make sure that your palms
are always together facing one another,
your grip is consistent,
and this right forefinger should be triggered just
a little bit so that it can accept the hit at impact.
And that’s a key to making a nice, solid ball turf contact.

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Hank Haney on How To Do the Correct Grip on a Golf Club | Golf Basics | Golf Digest