Should you replace your mid irons with hybrids

When it comes to mid iron clubs and hybrids, should you replace one with the other? Let’s talk about this.

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If you have already made the change to hybrid irons in your game, you will appreciate how easy they can be to hit and how they can revolutionize the way you would approach your shots. So rather than having a very difficult 3 or 4 iron a long shot into a tight green, you might relish the opportunity now to get your hybrid club out and give it a hit and the higher ball flight and the easier to hit more forgiving face might be seeming a little bit more appealing.

However you must consider that if you are struggling with your sort of 5, 6 and 7 irons you can swap those for hybrid clubs as well. You know particularly if you have a relatively slow swing speed maybe if you are driving the ball less than 200 yards I would suggest that your swing speed maybe not enough to get the most out of your middle irons, your 5, 6, 7 irons. If you find that your 5, 6, 7 irons the ball flight is a little bit too low and it’s not really open and carrying long enough, putting a representative replacement of that as a hybrid club in your bag might work. So it would have a similar loft on it, but because it might have a graphite shaft and a better design head, the ball is going to fly up a lot higher therefore landing on the green a bit softer.

So if you were strong hitter of the golf ball, hybrid in your 3, 4 iron might work nicely, but if you are weaker to the golfer, you don’t hit the ball a lot far and you are struggling with your 5, 6 and 7 irons to really get the most out of them, consider just bringing the hybrid a little bit more into the middle irons of your game as well, maybe leave some of the sand wedge, pitching wedge, 9 and 8 you would generally get those up in the air quite nicely, but if you are struggling with the middle irons, just replace them one at a time with hybrid clubs, the better design solve the better design shaft might just help you improve those middle irons in your game.