Golf Babe

How to Break 70 – My Best Score Ever 68 on a new course

This is how I played to break 70 on a course I had never played before. There were some wayward shots in the beginning and as usual, no range to warm up on.


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I took what i learned from Mo. I rejected what i could not gel with. I gelled with what i liked. I played within myself and accepted my game as it was. I learned to just hit my long irons and have longer approaches into the greens.

I got much better inside pitching wedge range. That was the ultimate goal of the trip so I was happy to get that done.


Stay away and remove people from your life the same way I do to negative people. Anyone comments about the length of the course, how easy the course is, any of that – they get blocked. I suggest you do the same with people in your life who belittle your achievements. Only cowards would tear another person down who achieves something howeever small that thing appears to other people.

To some people, those small accomplishments are huge for the achievers. And when zooming out, you see that that small accomplishment is BEYOND ANYTHING THE COWARD has ever achieved himself.

When I see people commenting or sending messages to me that they broke 80 but the course was noly 6,200 yards, or was only 6,000 yards, I feel bad for them because they diminish their achievment. Or when people say they broke 90 on a course but it was par 70. There is no caveat. You achieve what you achieve and I am thrilled for you.

Anyone who has ever achieved anything will recognize achievers. There is a minority of people who do achieve anything and will be able to recognize you and your accomplishments. Those are your people. The other majority who tear you down, or condescend or get sarcastic about what you’ve done….leave them behind. Find the block button, and use it in real life.!

Life is too short, Waddalife. Fill it with beautiful people and beautiful experiences. Waddaday.