Golf Babe

Children and Sport 2021 Emma Larkin

In order to change behaviour, you have to start at the beginning.

We are more acutely aware than ever before of the importance of physical movement to our physical and mental wellbeing. That applies at every stage of life and the best way to ensure a lifetime devotion to the idea of sport and exercise is to educate our children.

On Thursday, September 9th Sport for Business hosted a conference on Children in Sport looking at a number of areas on how this can be improved.

We spoke to the researchers to see where we stand now in 2021 with regard to key metrics on children’s sporting engagement.

We spoke to sporting bodies on programmes they have created to bring children into their sport.

We spoke to teachers and to advocates for Children in sport.

Our first speaker of the session was children’s author Emma Larkin, creator of the Izzy series of books…