Golf Babe

Rupert McCall, Renowned Australian Poet (Part 2) | In the Huddle | Study and Play USA

In part 2, Rupert’s passion for people, his state and country and for being a good person comes to the fore in an emotion charged reflection of his career as a poet, in media. He reflects on the life changing experiences of performing live in front of some of the worlds’ best athletes, hoping to do their careers justice in verse. How he managed to nail his poem at Anzac Cove in Gallipoli to honour the ANZACS, one of whom was his beloved grandfather and the sheer honour of inspiring thousands at ground zero in New York in his famous ‘ A Firefighters Dream’ poem at the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. The podcast wraps up with some parting words of advice for all of our young student athletes. This is a must watch and listen!