Golf Babe

Inside with Brett Hawke: Michael Klim

Today Brett interviews 2020 International Swimming Hall of Fame Inductee, Michael Klim.

They discuss how a chubby kid from Poland got to Australia.
How he was “tapped on the shoulder” by Gennadi Touretski and became training partners with Alexander Popov.
Being ranked #1 in the 200 Freestyle going into the 1996 Olympics and failing to make the Finals.
Peeing his pants on the blocks in Prelims of the 200 Free.
Doing 150 “starts” in 1 calendar year trying to break 50 seconds every time. Deliberate practice.
The story behind Klim becoming a pioneer by swimming freestyle with straight arms — through trying things in training. In this case, through different sprint drills.
Sprint Drills: Dolphin Kick Freestyle. Dolphin Kick Freestyle with Head Up. Straight Arm Freestyle. Straight Arm Freestyle with Head Up.
How they trained by progressing through the day…Morning would be aerobic. Middle of the day would be your threshold set. And your 3rd practice at 7PM is all explosive sprints and power. They put in 90K/100K weeks.
One of Klim’s Greatest Rivals: Geoff Huegill
Leading up to the 2000 Sydney Games, they had a training camp that was open to the public that saw a couple thousand people walk in and observe practice every day.
Brett explains leaving college swimming at Auburn early to focus on the 2000 Sydney Games, a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Beating the undefeated Americans in the 4×100 Freestyle Relay in 2000. They go very in deep about this. Ian Thorpe ripped 2 or 3 suits and thus wasn’t in the ready room. Klim led off that relay with a World Record time of 48.18.
And much, much more

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Find | Michael Klim
Milk & Co
TLA Worldwide
On Instagram: @michaelklim1

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Special Thanks:
Fitter & Faster Swim Camps
Swimnerd Pace Clocks