Putt like a Tour Player – like a putter through butter

Seriously though your Putter should feel like your swinging through butter at impact. If it feels like you are hitting a bag of rocks then either your putter plane is off or your ball position is incorrect. Golf can be an easy game and you can make up a lot of shots if you practice your putting with this stick and avoid 3 putts. The double hinged alignment pro gives the golfer immediate feedback of what is feels like to hit the sweet spot of the putter. A ton of money and effort is put research and development by big name manufactures to make sure there is a sweet spot and the golf ball roles true. We just want to make sure you are hitting it in this area. Its not that scientific though for a golfer though, just keep your shaft on plane and don’t manipulate the putter head. cha ching $$$ ! you know that sound of money hitting your bank playing banker with your buddies. Seriously though if you keep the putter shaft on plane then you only have to worry about distance. This is where the Alignment Pro really shines. Drive for show and putt for dough. Like a Pro. This is high quality and has a patent or two on it.