Golf Swing: How to Stop Early Extension

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How to Stop Early Extension in the Golf Swing

There are many ways being taught online to stop early extension in the golf swing, but what if there was finally a way to see the patterns and feel every aspect, every angle change, every part of the golf swing without having to over think everything. In tonight’s show we are going to show you the best way to understand the golf swing and stop early extension once and for all. When you can see the patterns, and feel the things that need to happen in real time, you can start trusting what is going to happen in your golf swing. Finally your golf swing is going to make sense.

It does not matter what swing method you are using. When you can see the patterns and where the angle changes must take place then stopping early extension becomes extremely easy to do.

The Polygongolf Swing Trainer is our patented flagship golf swing trainer and is finally going to allow you to feel the entire golf swing and the way it should be preformed. We know this might sound like a bold statement, but it is true. When you can see the patterns that must be followed in the golf swing it is easy to see and feel what needs to be happening at all times in your golf swing.

The PolygonGolf Live Stream is all about golf instruction. We will be using our patented PolygonGolf Swing Trainer to teach the golf swing in such a simple way. When you can see and understand the geometry that surrounds the body during the golf swing; making the golf swing is as simple as following the patterns. Tonight’s show is dedicated to the backswing.

When you can get into the best possible positions without having to think about them is when you start seeing real improvement in your golf swing, golf game and overall score.

We must at all times remember human beings are pattern recognition machines and for the first time every golfer is going to be able to see the patterns in such a simple way that your golf swing and overall golf game are going to improve. It is a mathematical fact. Real swing improvement just happens when you understand the geometry that surrounds the body. When you can see the patterns you can start feeling what is happening at all times in your golf swing.

Your golf swing will never be the same again, for the first time you will feel that you are in full control of every movement needed to preform at your highest level. The nice part is you will not have to think about it. It will just happen by following the blueprint and the patterns of the PolygonGolf swing trainer.

Easy, simple and it just works. Truly understand your golf swing and stop early extension once and for all now.