Keep It Down In The Wind

Hey Quite The Chap here for GolfersRX. BALLOOOOOOOON BAALLLLLL! And how not to hit it…in todays video.

Have you tried to hit a low knockdown type shot only to hit it higher than you normally do? How is this possible? What’s the deal? You put it back in your stance which causes you to hit down on it with a steep attack angle. This causes more spin. More spin into the wind causes a BALLOOOOOOOOOOON BALLLL! Here’s how to stop doing that.

Take your normal stance
And make a normal swing
BUT then at impact try and keep the logo of your glove facing the target as long as possible

Don’t twist it up here
Don’t push it down here
Have it face the target and hold there for as long as possible

If you’ve seen Gary Woodland hit a stinger…this is how he does it.

The worst thing you can do while playing in the wind is adding extra spin to the ball…especially when you’re playing into the wind. Use your normal set up and make one adjustment at impact and you’ll start having more fun in the wind.

Until next time, keep it simple