Disc Golf Yoga for KIDS (& adults!) w/ Andrea Lange (INNOVA Discs)

Ever wake up the morning after a round of disc golf and find your shoulders, arm, legs are filled with cement from the tee pad? How about when you sit up in bed and feel like your core is being held back in disc golf basket chains? Disc Golf causes strain on the shoulder, back, hips, arms and neck. Andrea Lange of INNOVA Discs and West Michigan Youth Disc Golf walks us through a 30 minute yoga routine that will help relieve sore muscles, stress and gets your disc golf game back on par.

Lange, a 4 year veteran of Team Innova, uses this simple disc golf yoga and stretching routine in her work out regimens to keep her game and body in birdie shape! Add this 30-minute disc golf yoga routine to your weekly disc golf round and start experiencing benefits such as:
– Improved balance, flexibility and strength, all necessary for a strong disc golf game, for all disc golfers, kids to adults
– Increased stamina and energy so you can throw discs farther, more accurately and for more holes. Make your first disc golf hole as great as your last disc golf hole!
– Relief from aches, pains and stress caused by regular disc golf play. Yoga and stretching helps relax and heal the muscles us disc golfers use and abuse while playing disc golf.
– Yoga practices mindfulness. You stay focused during your disc golf rounds. Mindfulness trains disc golfers to be calm so they land putts & crush drives off the tee.
– Starting a disc golf yoga routine as a kid will instill yoga disciplines in young disc golfers so they experience less injuries.


(previously Grand Rapids Youth Disc Golf Club )
WEBSITE – GRYouthDisc or or
INSTAGRAM- @grand_rapids_

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.Read if you like Disc Golf, INNOVA Discs, Andrea Lange, kids disc golf, youth disc golf, Michigan, West Michigan Youth Disc Golf Club, disc golf tips or disc golf workouts or disc golf routines & disc golf regimens. Lots of buzzz words but you’ll like the disc golf puns & disc golf name drops. Don’t call disc golf frisbee golf. Disc Golfers hate it. When the PDGA (professional disc golf association) formed, Innova Discs East & Innova Discs West were created, men, women & kids all played with a frisbee. Different disc golf baskets & disc golf discs came from others like Discraft Discs, Team Underground, MVP Discs, Axiom Discs, Dynamic Discs & Latitude 64. Then disc golfers like Paul McBeth, Ricky Wysocki, David Feldberg & the INNOVA Discs Team said Disc Golf instead of FROLF. Disc Golf is great for kids, youths, children, minis, adults, teens, professionals, amateurs, women, men & Masters. Andrea Lange (Coach of the West Michigan Youth Disc Golf Club / WMYDGC (fka the Grand Rapids Youth Disc Golf Club / GRYDGC) was on national news for an urban disc golf tournament. Lange (Team INNOVA, WMYDGC, ret. from ZigZag Ultimate & ZigZag Discs) only said “I just really like disc golf!” Now, Lange is the I like turtles kid of Disc Golf. West Michigan Youth Disc Golf Club (Grand Rapids Youth Disc Golf Club) loves disc golf. As kids at heart we love putting, left handed driving, right handed driving, backhand shots, forehand shots, backhand rollers, forehand rollers, driving with a putter, birdie putts, eagle putts bogey putts, even double bogey putts, Disc Golf bags, Disc golf tournaments, disc golf workouts, disc golf teams, disc golf beginners, disc golf pros, disc golf clubs, disc golf leagues. We like disc golf coaches, disc golf tournaments, disc golf tips & disc golf mistakes so we can learn. Love disc golf dogs that don’t eat disc golf discs after a disc golf drive. Andrea Lange, of West Michigan Youth DGC & INNOVA Discs has disc golf goats. Yes, Goats. Her disc golf goal is for INNOVA Discs, Millennium Discs or Discmania Discs (any of the INNOVA Discs fam) make a Disc Golf Putter, Mid-Range or Diver (Lange wants an understable putter for anhyzer or hyzer approach shots) called “the GOAT”. Her disc golf goats would be on the stamp. Who knows what disc golf goat, all of her goats are Champions & bang the chains. We at West Michigan Youth DGC (WMYDGC / GRYDGC), Team INNOVA & the INNOVA Disc fam, Andrea Lange, disc golfers of the PDGA thank you for playing disc golf. Love that you play disc golf & hope, like Lange, you really like disc golf too.
