Find Balance In Your Golf Swing

Hey Quite The Chap here for GolfersRX. A balanced work/golf life is the best life but it can depend a lot on the balance in your golf life…because balance is important…in today’s video.

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard at least twice. Balance is extremely important when it comes to your golf swing. There are a lot of ways to create balance, to check your balance, to correct your balance. In today’s drill we’re going to check our balance throughout our swing.

Take your set up position
Take the club back until it’s parallel to the ground…hold for three seconds
Take the club back to the top of the golf swing…hold three seconds
Swing down into impact…hold three seconds
Complete your swing and hold your follow through…hold for three seconds

Was there any place in your swing where you felt off balance? For me, it’s usually at the follow through. For some, it’s when they initially take the club back. Use this drill to pinpoint where you’re falling off the “rails” and work on tightening up your balance in that area.

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Until next time, keep it simple