Ep30 – Grip Pressure

Pro Tip Tuesday are quick tips to help out your game. Today we are discussing grip pressure. I recommend having as soft as or light as of grip pressure as you can do to have a fast powerful release. If you have too much grip pressure, the big muscles in your arm will tense (like the biceps, triceps, or shoulders) and the fast twitch muscles in your fingers, hand and wrist won’t be able to do what they do. To help with this, I think of a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being a death grip and 1 being the ball almost falls off your hand) and rate where you are. If you are high on the scale, try to bring your grip pressure down incrementally to a 3 or a 2. Check out the video and let me know what you think so we can all learn together!

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Tip Tuesday are quick tips to help out your game. Today we are talking about finger pressure to change your release. Using finger pressure as your adjustment, you are trying to either start the ball up a little sooner in the oil and have a more continuous roll down lane or create more side roll giving you more length & thus more of a “hockey stick” or angular backend shape. Check it out and lets learn together!

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