Winning: The Unforgiving Race to Greatness | Tim Grover

In Episode 193 of Hidden Forces, Demetri Kofinas speaks with world-renowned trainer, author, and CEO of Attack Athletics, Tim Grover. Tim has personally trained and worked with some of the most elite, iconic athletes in the world, including Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Dwyane Wade, and hundreds of other sports and business professionals. He is the preeminent authority on the science and art of physical and mental dominance and his latest book, “Winning: the Unforgiving Race to Greatness,” is a testament to that life-long dedication.

This is not a conversation that’s going to give you a roadmap to victory. Not even close. In fact, we wouldn’t even describe it as motivational. For some people, Tim’s words will be incredibly validating. For others, unnerving, because “winning doesn’t apologize,” as Tim would say. “It doesn’t explain. In the language of Winning, there is no talk about motivation.” Words can’t capture it. Only you can if you’re willing to pay the price, and even then, there are no guarantees.

If you’re already addicted to the taste of success, if you’ve been chasing it for as long as you can remember, if you’ve caught it, and want it again, then this conversation will speak to you. In this episode, you’re going to learn about some of the tools and techniques that Tim and his athletes and high-achievers have used to execute and compete at the highest level of human performance. You’re going to learn about how to harness your dark-side, about how not to care about what others think, about letting go of entitlement, clearing your mind, and learning to focus on the details, and on what matters most to you. As Tim will say, “winning is not a marathon, it’s a sprint, with no finish line.” There is no balance. In order to win anything, you have to live your life with urgency, at every moment, because winning wants all of you—there’s never enough time, so why waste any of it?
For those of you who are basketball fans, Tim shares stories from his experience working with Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant during the pinnacles of their basketball careers, about what they were like as individuals, and about what it was like for him to play a part in their success.

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Producer & Host: Demetri Kofinas

Editor & Engineer: Stylianos Nicolaou

Episode Recorded on 05/26/2021