Add more power and swing speed to your swing by working on your grip strength!

The hands are the last piece of our bodies to touch the club and if you do not have a strong grip, you may not be able to finish your swing or produce the power that you want. Studies show that your grip strength is correlated to more than just power production. Improving your grip strength also builds spacial awareness and your proprioception, which is just another way to say “feel” for the club.

Tiger Woods famously talks about if you do not have a feel for your club, you won’t have a feel for your swing.

More grip strength means more power, feel for the club and more coordination. For all of these exercises, the main point is working on your control through these movements. Golf is a game of concentration and understanding how to control your body, from head to toe. Get great and using all pieces of your body to help improve your golf game forever.