How to Keep Competing As You Age (Like Mickelson, Federer, and Brady)

Talk about movement longevity! Join us to learn what Phil Mickelson and a number of other older pro athletes are doing to maintain their high level of performance.

Today we will be answering all of your questions, hearing updates from people who have tried various programs, and (of course) marveling about Phil Mickelson’s PGA tournament win this past weekend.

You can do it too! Maybe not compete at the pro level, but for us mere mortals, being able to keep active, doing what we love to do is the name of the game.

Join us Thursday at noon EDT for a lively discussion and get your questions answered!

ROM Coach app (free!):​ – our beautiful mobile app to improve your mobility and help you achieve movement longevity, includes the Daily Movement Tuneup and gives you 3 new exercises that will activate every muscle and mobilize every joint in your body every 1-2 weeks (only 3-5 mins/day!)

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