Mindful Monday Yoga: Making Meaning

Watching golf, for me, is typically a little like watching paint dry. True Story. But, over the weekend, I found myself glued to the television watching golf. Go figure. I’d much rather play any sport than watch but I can appreciate the expertise of those who cultivate practices and disciplines that help with focus, precision, and peace. Phil Mickelson, the winner of the 2021 PGA Championship tournament, is someone whose mindfulness practice I can admire. Observing his pre-stroke discipline can also offer some meaning, which helps me stay present while watching folks try to keep track of tiny flying balls and smacking them into itty bitty little holes in the ground.


Narrative theology #1

And I said to him
Are there answers to all of this?
And he said
The answer is in a story
and the story is being told.

And I said
But there is so much pain
And she answered, plainly,
Pain will happen.

Then I said
Will I ever find meaning?
And they said
You will find meaning
Where you give meaning.

The answer is in the story
And the story isn’t finished.

~~Padraig O’Tuama

Yoga is for everyone. However, while practicing with a video it is up to you to assess whether the class you have chosen is right for you. Please modify as needed and if you suffer from any specific injuries or diseases you should consult with your medical practitioner before practicing. Enjoy!

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