Swing Overhaul 2021: Day 1

I’ve had it. I’m overhauling my swing.

To follow along on the MyGolfSpy Forum thread I started, click here:

In this playlist, I’ll be documenting my progress as I make changes to my golf swing. To start, I’m working on the takeaway and top of the backswing. I’ve always been more of a one-plane swinger, but lately it has become too flat/inside on the takeaway and my ball striking has taken a hit.
I’m going to do at least 100 reps per day this week into the net focusing on a few things:

1) width in the backswing
2) hands in front of the chest
3) right elbow not bending more than 90 degrees at the top

I do not care about contact while working on this. That will come later.