GOLF GRIP – GAIN POWER AND CONSISTENCY! (This works for my students!)

Grip matters so much! Grip can be a massive problem! Changing grip can change ball flight and these recent changes I made with my student worked so well! Are you slicing the golf ball, or are you hooking the golf ball? You will want to try this drill! Changing your grip does change your ball flight and can make a massive difference to your game, gain power and consistency

If you are hooking the golf ball when trying to hit a fade, this tip is so valuable to you!

If you are slicing the golf ball when trying to hit a draw, then tune in! This is an in depth video that will help all golfers no matter their age or ability.

Golf grip! Gain power and consistency, this works for my students!

To download the PDF – Join the facebook group – Simple golf tips

SunDog –
Golf buddy channel partner –

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Looking for training aids these are the products I recommend:

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