Wouldn’t it be great if you new how to fix your golf swing? It sure would. Problem is most people are not set up right to even know how to fix it. That’s why I can this the most important lesson in golf.

In order to fix your golf swing you need perfect alignment. To do this you will need to properly lay down an alignment stick or put a club on the ground as I show you in this golf lesson. Once you put the stick on the ground and perfectly align to it you will be able to see how good or bad you are hitting the ball. Once you know this, you are on your to to being able to fix your own swing.

I call this the most important lesson in golf because if you are miss aligned you are seeing bad shots as good shots and good shots as bad shots. In order to fix your swing you need to know when you are hitting it well and when you are hitting it poorly.

Once you perfectly align yourself take note of where you are hitting the ball. Look for direction issues or spin issues. Then either work on your body or your wrists to fix your own swing.

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