How to “release” the golf club is one of the most important aspects of any functional golf swing. Learning to do this correctly is the #1 skill that sets expert golfers, from poorer ones.

Most golfers spend their golfing lives somewhere between too much force across the shaft (shaft lean) and being too handsy or flippy. The best find that beautiful balance between those two extremes. However, there is little useful information on this subject due to its complex nature and many misleading misconceptions out there about how this part of the swing works.

In this video, I will discuss how to move the club from P6 (shaft parallel to the ground on the downswing) to P7 (impact) using the wrists and forearms in a way you’ve likely never seen before to help you square up the club face and deliver the power correctly from the lag in your wrists. The drills in this video will train your swing from a geometry point of view, as well as help to strengthen the muscles in your wrists and forearms to provide more speed to your swing resulting in greater compression, ball speed, and distance.

Give it a try, and let me know how you get on in the comments section.

The Grid is built onto the mat using the TEE CLAW product:
Choose the GRIDLIFE for a better golf game!

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