Denver Updates on COVID-19 Response: parks, golf courses, auxiliary shelter, business relief

Mayor Michael B. Hancock today announced several updates to Denver’s response to COVID-19, underscoring the need to continue to stay at home and enjoy the outdoors responsibly. The Mayor and the Emergency Operations Center have begun recovery planning efforts, but physical distancing remains the most effective tool currently to limit the spread of the virus.
The city will work in close coordination with Governor Polis and metro area leadership, including public health directors, to determine whether the health care data we are seeing supports a phased relaxation of the stay-at-home order. Several scenarios for recovery planning are being considered to ensure government services can remain nimble even as the community learns to live with a new normal. Significantly increasing testing for COVID-19 and then testing for anti-bodies, as well as retraining or hiring staff for contact tracing, remain priorities. More detailed information will be provided in the coming days and weeks about how the transition to recovery planning will impact large gatherings, local residents, and the re-opening of businesses.
As the planning is occurring, the city is taking several steps to provide support for people experiencing homelessness, relief for residents and businesses, including over $2 million for local businesses and artists, and the re-opening of public golf courses with new safety measures in place. While the city is intent on re-opening public and economic life in Denver as soon as possible, public health is paramount, and many restrictions will remain in place. Residents should anticipate that the city’s public health order covering restrictions on large gatherings and events, which is set to expire on May 11, will be extended later this week to a date to be determined.
“We won’t be just flipping on the light switch. This is going to be a gradual turning of the dimmer switch with many protective measures that have been put in place remaining in the place until we have better control of COVID-19’s spread,” Mayor Hancock said. “Thank you to everyone who stayed home this weekend – you helped save someone’s life, maybe your own.”
Park Usage and Golf Course Openings: Denver Parks and Recreation is providing additional information associated with activities in Denver parks to maintain physical distancing and support the health and well-being of park visitors:
· If you are sick, do not visit the parks
· Separate at least 6 feet from others
· Do not gather or travel in groups
· Group sports and activities are prohibited
· Shared use equipment is not allowed (i.e.: frisbees, footballs, etc.)
· Bring your own hand sanitizer/washing supplies
· Leash your dog to prevent accidental cross-contamination with others
Additionally, all city-operated golf courses will reopen to the public on Wednesday, April 22, weather permitting, with restrictions in place to ensure physical distancing, including reserved tee times. More information can be found at
Denver will continue to monitor and enforce physical distancing in parks and golf courses. If you visit a park, please visit the one closest to you. Ninety percent of Denver residents live within a 10-minute walk to a park. Find a park near you to explore at If you need enforcement in your local park, please call 311.
Business Relief Fund: Denver Economic Development & Opportunity will begin awarding an initial $2 million in grants today to support many of Denver’s most vulnerable small businesses.
Denver Economic Development & Opportunity will begin notifying recipients this week. The city is partnering with Mile High United Way to release the funds and estimates that the first round of funding will include 200-250 recipients.
To expand emergency relief support to small businesses beyond the $4 million the city is contributing, the city has partnered with the Downtown Denver Partnership (DDP) to raise funds.
Colorado Artist Relief Fund: Denver Arts & Venues has finished evaluating 295 applications received for the Colorado Artist Relief Fund helping individual artists impacted by closures as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Grants equaling $170,000 will be paid upon completion of processing.
Residential Care Facilities: Over the last two months, the city has issued all 118 facilities in Denver at least three sets of public health orders outlining policies, procedures and protocols to keep their patients and staffs safe and healthy.
Women’s Auxiliary Shelter at Denver Coliseum: The new women’s auxiliary shelter at the Denver Coliseum will serve up to 300 women and transgender individuals across the spectrum and operate similarly to the men’s auxiliary shelter; providing screening, medical triage, and access to respite facilities for those exhibiting symptoms or advised to isolate due to medical necessity.