Triple Tail Fishing Tactics – Lures, baits, and locations.

Tripletail fishing in the Tampa Bay area can be very productive. These fish are found in a wide area around the Gulf and Atlantic Ocean. They are a pelagic fish that often drifts with the current and can be seen flipped on its side near the surface of the water. Tripletail are attracted to any object that may be floating in the water column or at the surface. This means navigational buoys and markers, crab trap buoys, floating grass, tide line debris and trash, just about anything!

Tripletail are a fish that rely on their stealth and camouflage to avoid predators. They will often hide below the object they are using for cover. There they lie in wait for crabs, shrimp, and small fish.

I use a 30 lb leader and a 1/0 circle hook with either a shrimp or a small sardine at them. They will often prompt a very quick response from the fish to come and snap up the easy bait. These fish are tremendous fighters once hooked. Even undersize fish will strip drag off an average inshore reel. They will head shake and jump out of the water as well. Trips are also some of the best eating fish on the planet. They ain’t pretty but they sure do taste good!

Fishing Charter Website :
Call 727 433 4508


Please watch: “Artificial Lure tips for Tampa winter Trout and Snook”
