Do THIS On EVERY Golf Swing And Watch Your Scores PLUMMET | How To Aim In Golf Like The Pros EASILY

Golf swing consistency instantly when you aim correctly with an intermediate point like the tour pros. You must be specific with every golf shot and golf swing if you want to lower your handicap and scores and play the better, consistent golf you know you deserves. All the hours of golf swing practice and golf training is for nothing if you do not aim correctly on the golf course and be specific. Does this sound like your golf swing?

As Harvey Penick said, take dead aim.

Alignment tips in golf can be complicated, but the best and most simple golf tip is to choose a spot in front of the ball, in line with the desired start line of ball flight. And your golf swing set up and intended golf swing is geared around the specific spot you picked.

Here’s a video How To Aim In Golf: Simple Checkpoints For Instant Consistency

So this is not just about how to aim correctly in golf and on every golf swing you make and you will see instant results. The very best players in the world pick an intermediate point, but for some reason 90% of armature golfers and even senior golfers ignore this. But it costs many shots every single round.

This is not just about how to aim correctly in golf, this is tapping into the instinct way to golf. Telling your golfing brain what you want the golf swing to do.

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