Anti-Early Extension Wall Drill-Improve Your Golf Swing with Cardiogolf

Get your heart pumping and your golf form in shape with Cardiogolf’s Shortee Practice Club. No golf ball required!

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In my opinion, daily practice is the key to success towards any goal. Daily practice sessions in small doses are better than practicing for two or three hours once a week or month. First of all, it is always hard to find big chunks of time to beat balls on the driving range. Secondly, the long practice sessions usually lead to fatigued swings and ingrained bad habits.

There is something to be said about the momentum of taking small daily steps towards a goal that is cumulatively better than taking big steps with less frequency.

Practice something about your game everyday.

“Early extension” or standing up through impact is when the hips and knees straighten too early in the downswing causing an early release, topped or thin shots.

Watch the Karen Palacios-Jansen demonstrate this drill.
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