TeamPolice Webinar – April 2021

Listen to our panelists discuss the value ot teamsports to British Police wellbeing. The panel consisted of Assistant Commissioner Matt Jukes, Chairman of Police Sports UK (PSUK) and Deputy Chief Constable Vanessa Jardine West Midlands, Management Committee PSUK and Chair of Ladies Football and Ladies Golf, Inspector Sally Bunyard-Spiers Team Manager Women’s Basketball, and T/Chief Superintendent Brad Howe Mens Football.

Wellbeing through sport is our mission!

Team Police and PSUK are passionate about promoting sport and physical activity in our police forces. We share this passion with many like-minded organisations and individuals who are keen to show their support for this important cause.

Our series of webinars aims to get the conversation going between Policing leaders and other organisations who consider sporting activity as an essential element to wellbeing in the police. Each event will consist of a short inspirational story to highlight how sport is helping our police family followed by a panel discussion, led by senior police officers, with time for Q and A’s from the audience.