Want to know how to DRAW or FADE the ball? Or maybe you just want to reduce your HOOK or SLICE? Either way, this video will provide you with a way to change your swing path focusing on where you finish in the follow-through.

The swing path determines a huge part of how the ball flies and curves. And, for the most part, amateur golfers tend to have a fairly consistent swing path (albeit not always a desirable one), which is why they are likely to be serial slicers or hookers of the golf ball.

The follow-through position of the body, arms, hands, and club tells a story of what preceded it and how the swing path would likely have been.

By changing your follow-through position, you can make adjustments to your swing path which will change the way the ball curves. The higher you finish with your hands, the more in-to-out your swing path will be (more draw, less slice), and the lower your hands are in the follow-through, the more out-to-in your swing path will be (more fade, less hook).

This is a simple way to manage and adjust your swing path without getting overly technical. The hardest part of this drill is pushing yourself to try the different ends of the spectrum to see what is truly possible.

Give it a try, and let me know how you get on in the comments section.

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