Golf Fitness Workouts & Programmes. Golf Fitness On Demand Video Streaming

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Improve flexibility, strength & power for golf
Reduce the risk of golf related injuries
Sessions from 5-30 minutes 
Programmes from 6+ weeks for home and gym

10 spaces available at HALF PRICE when you sign up to a Yearly Subscription with the discount code “1YEARFIT”. 

Follow the sessions and programme on this brand new platform can help improve your health, fitness and golf performance. Improving, flexibility, strength and movement can help increase club head speed and hit the ball farther and reduce the risk of golf related injuries.

Sessions and Programmes include but are not limited to:
Stretching sessions from 5-30 minutes 
12-Week home strength training programmes
12-Week Gym based programmes
Golf Specific Dynamic Movement sessions
Exercises for a bigger backswing
Better movement for less low back pain