15. Coach Conversation with Nick and Jen – Season Finale, Pre-Game Convo's and Half-Time Chats

Believe us, we are as surprised as you! We have got to the end of season and what an introduction it has been. We managed 15 episodes, or 14 really as the mystery of “what happened to Episode 12” stays with us moving forwards!

More than anything this has been the chance for Nick and Jen to chat about coaching, to each other, as if nobody was listening. If it helped anyone along the way as we meandered around different topics, then awesome. It’s been a source of reflection, to learn new things from each other. To open up and be vulnerable about what has worked and what hasn’t. So thanks for listening.

In this episode we get into the structure of pre-match team talks, avoiding overloading the athletes and players, but giving consideration to different approaches. Why did you choose Option A over Option B? What may have happened if you took the second option? Who knows!

And then the half-time period; what happens then? How can you link that to the game plan of what you were trying to achieve rather than trying to change everything you saw in the first half of play? As always, coaching remains complex!

Thanks for hanging in there, we are having fun and we hope you are too! Next season will offer some more questions:
– How can we bring in videos of you coaching to share ideas and tips?
– Can we bring in some guests to add some different views?
– Will we ever find out what happened to Episode 12?!

Stay tuned!