Powerball Titan Autostart Pro

Powerball Titan Autostart Pro:

The Titan combines brute power with performance and design. The new generation solid zinc rotor gives a silky smooth spin performance like no other. The Titan generates a punishing 22.7kg / 50 pounds of resistance / force at 10,000rpm (10,000rpm is a spin speed attainable by most people after a period of training). A spinning Powerballs resistance is always on which builds muscle endurance and strength incredibly fast. Spin at low RPMs and you have the perfect rehabilitation aid (increase the resistance as you recover).

Using Powerball on a regular basis strengthens and trains your grip while also increasing flexibility in the wrist, hand and fingers, making it the ideal complement to sports that require a powerful grip such as golf, squash, climbing, cricket, etc. Powerball also builds finger dexterity and is perfect for musicians looking to enhance their proficiency and technique.

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