HBO Tiger Woods (2021) | Deep Dive Review

In this video review and look at the sports science behind the HBO Tiger woods documentary.

Tiger Woods Tiger is a two-part HBO documentary, that offers a revealing look at the rise, fall, and epic comeback of global golfing icon Tiger Woods. from his early development from 8months when he first picked up a golf club to the greatest golfer to ever play the game.

Note: This is not the actual documentary, this is a deep dive review as the title suggests.

Note 2: As suggested by the last 2 reviews I did I decided to take a more chatty approach. I realise that I have a hard cutting stye of delivery on camera, especially as I go in-depth on the positive and negatives and this can be misconstrued, however, I will keep balance.
Tiger Woods (biography – to which the documentary is based on)

Tiger Woods Unplayable:
In order to review I utilised a modified performance descrphrancy table (2.3), to make the results scientific of sorts and objective. A performance descraphrancy table involves self-assessing sub-criteria from 5 categories.
1. Content
2. Information
3. Production
4. Film Mechanics
5. Scientific and Journalistic code of practice

This allows us to cross-compare different content to one another. It is a bit rudimentary at the moment but will improve.

To work out descrphrancy one calculates the self-importance of the measure and then compares where it needs to be improved (10-SA)xAPI. Lower scores indicate that less improvement is needed. You then compare mean avg of avg sums of each category. A reversed total = final score.
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