How to Select the Right Club for your Approach Shot (Easy 1 min Tip)

How to pick the right club for your approach shot in golf?

When you are playing a round of golf, it is not only important to know how far out you are but also what kind of shot you need. If you checked out our previous video ( on wedge distance control you probably noticed that you hit the same distances with a half swing sand wedge and a full swing lob wedge. Of course those two shots should go the same distance but the ball is going to fly differently.

For example, when we have a short pin, we want the ball to come higher, and when we have more green, maybe we choose to hit a lower shot. It is very important to pick the right club so you get the type of shots that you want. I challenge you to try different wedges, heights and shapes the next time you are practicing.

Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or feedback.

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