The Spirit Of Kylie Golf – The Maverick And The Mini-7

And introduction to Kylie Golf brought to you by
Featuring “The Maverick” And “The Mini 7” – Kylie Golf Sticks!

Kylie Golf is an alternative sport invented in the 1990’s in Ohio, by famed boomerang world champion, Gary Broadbent, to be played at disc golf courses. Kylies are versatile tools for this job and provide an easier, minimalist alternative to discs. Less power is needed to throw kylies far than with discs, and only two sticks can do a wide range of maneuvers, useful on the course in a variety of situations.

This is how the story goes….

Once upon a time, mankind was uncivilized…. Their sport was life and death as it involved utilizing clubs to strike each other on the skull, with the heaviest hitter winning the contest and the loser thrown into a hole in the ground.

As “civilization” slowly but surely arose, golf did too, and man went from deploying their clubs against each other’s skulls, to striking small white balls as a symbolic surrogate. This satisfying sport served to sufficiently placate mankind’s violence on weekends, so that they could endure the enslavement of their work week in between. In this way civilization continued unabated.

Fast forward several hundred years until the time when apple pie was a staple of man’s diet, and contact with aliens felt immanent. At this time, mankind flattened their golf balls into saucers and evolved golf into a sport played with flying discs, which they threw forcefully against their chains, but which then dropped into cages thereafter. Striking these chains produced satisfying music for man’s ears, again helping him to endure his work week, yet the personal empowerment of the ancient war clubs had been long forgotten….

This state of affairs continued until the mid 1990’s when a revolutionary spirit arose in a fiery Irish and Italian disc golf and boomerang thrower. “The Boomerang Man,” Gary Broadbent invented a new sport, played at disc golf courses, which brought the ancient clubs back into the game, striking the chains, and escaping the confinements of the cages. Golf had come “full swing” and the clubs were back! “Kylie Golf” was born!

“The Spirit Of Kylie Golf” is a fun celebration of this history, the symbolism of our sports and of the ultimate rule of the sport of life.

“Winners win by finding clever ways to make new rules, not by following those of others!”

We hope to inspire you to “think outside” where no box, cage or basket is necessary. It’s a thrilling way to play.

Join the ranks of kylie golf players everywhere! Take up the ancient clubs and play with your disc golf friends or against others using kylies as well. In either case, listen for that music and awaken the ancient spirit of kylie golf yet again!! And if you do play with a disc golfer, the same rules apply to them. The cage is irrelevant to both players for that match.

If you don’t have a disc golf course available near you, play with natural targets and features of the woods, terrain, or anywhere suitable…. Go primitive, go minimalist, go Kylie Golf!!