Firearm Safety As A Concept

June is National Safety Month and I am a fan of safety. This June, however, we aren’t just going to look at safety. Instead we are going to take a close look at gun safety, because everyday is gun safety day!

When we look at Gun Safety it can be helpful to approach the topic from a holistic angle at first. Most people instead of trying to understand gun safety from a big picture standpoint zero in on gun safety rules that traditionally make up the foundation of safety.

The problem with a narrow approach is that when you encounter a situation that is outside of your scope of understanding it is difficult to navigate the scenario. Without overarching guidance you can find yourself in trouble quickly.

The big concept of safety that I have found so helpful has been around for a long time in lots of different environments and it was a familiar concept to me when I saw it implemented in the world of firearms instruction by Rob Pincus, owner of I.C.E. Training and developer of the Combat Focus Shooting Program.

In CFS, instructors are trained to teach students that safety is a balance. We certainly need to understand that we cannot eliminate all risks and there always will be risks involved in what we do. In addition to risk, all of our activities have some benefit that we expect as a result of engaging in the risk. The balance that we are seeking between the risks and benefits needs to be consistently slanted toward the benefits.

The benefits of our interactions with guns need to significantly outweigh the risks of the same activities.

Guns are tools that have many benefits in our lives. They can provide a means of protection, gathering food, and enjoying ourselves. At the same time, if you experience an accident with a firearm, the consequences could be very severe. These consequences are exactly what we are trying to avoid when we use our firearms and one of the best ways to avoid them is to make sure that we are balancing the benefits and the risks of our activities with firearms.

Take a look at today’s video and the rest of the videos for National Safety Month most importantly remember that Everyday is Gun Safety Day.

Safety Solutions Academy works to help everyday people live safer lives through safety, self-defense and defensive firearms training.