STOP CASTING the Golf Club – Maximize Your Power

Here are a few tips that will help golfers hit the ball farther and create more lag by preventing power loss caused by releasing the golf club too early (CASTING).

Most golfers actually create a lot of power, but they don’t take full advantage of it when they create power loss by releasing too early.

This short video is an extract from one of our advanced training videos that provides 40 tips on learning how to hit longer drives.

The WHEEL POWER Golf Swing is based upon Norm Rosen’s interpretation of the much more advanced MIKE AUSTIN Golf Swing Method.

To watch the complete FREE 1 hour INTRODUCTION video, visit our website below for the video link.

If you enjoy the INTRODUCTION video, there is a follow-up 4 hour ADVANCED TRAINING video series.


#MorePower #MoreLag #StopCasting