Black History Month: Celebrating the historical legacies and achievements in the sport of golf

I want to introduce the world; and also, have my subscribers help me to celebrate the many great, black achievements in golf. Today, I want recognize and reveal to the world the number of up and coming young golf black players who made it to the ranks of the LPGA and PGA as touring professionals.

I also want to remind my channel subscribers that a large number of black, golf players who could not get into the pro ranks because the PGA had an “exclusionary clause“ in its doctrine of rules that would not let minorities; and specifically, blacks play professional at all during the early 1940s- late 60s.

Many black men and women did get the opportunity to carry the golf bags for many successful, white touring professionals. Many caddies had long-lasting relationship with the pro player and his family over the years. However, the meager amount they were paid was just enough money to help this special group of black men support their families.

Many black caddies really liked the game, too. Who knows how many black caddies would have made the tour level and set golf records. At some point in time, Negro men were challenged by adversity and did created their black professional golf leagues.

In those leagues many great players sprung forth and established a name for themselves. And so, I will role call today these men and women who are most remembered by factual, written documentation from newspapers, television and old photographs .

I’m sorry that I can’t mention all the great, black, golf players from all fifty states. However, there were neighborhood legends in their own time and they played great golf in those historical years of intense segregation in America.

I salute all the white, professional league sports teams owners for agreeing to the the fundamental right and principle of: ” All men are all created equally in the eyes of God.”
I want to personally thank the ownership and board members of the following professional leagues: USGA, USTA, LPGA, PGA, NFL, NBA and MLB for making mandatory “inclusion” as a rite of passage to black players and other minority groups . And too, those black men and women who were “the first”, we thank you for your strength and courage making it through the world oppression and its stifling madness.

And in some small measure, re-salute each professional league for having the courage to go back and recognize the achievements of those who had to endure “exclusion” by playing in leagues of their own to help showcase their hidden talents.

Golf 🏌️‍♀️ is a billion dollar sports industry; and yet, you only see a small percentage of black players who make it on the tour even today. I say that to say this: “For every guy or gal out their grinding in their neighborhood, even without the proper golf facilities. Stick to the task!! ”

Become a great player of the game. Believe in yourself. Believe that you can get a golf scholarship, go to college or even become a developmental golf tour player. If one can make it, we all can make it. It takes real guts for that one player with the opportunity to reach back and pull someone else up.

I play and grind hard, remembering the past. I will always our celebrate black historical legacies and contributions to the world. I will always show respect to those who came before us, because we ride on their shoulders. Be humble and thank God that we live in a better world. All I can do is be a leader (first), a change agent (second) and a blessing to others in the pursuit of this lifetime sport. Thanks 🙏 Ice Daddy MIA