#179 Web TV: How To Play Consistent Golf in 2018

#179 Web TV: How To Play Consistent Golf in 2018

Would you like to play consistent golf in 2018?

Do I hear you say, yes, Tiff that’s exactly what I want to do. Well, I’m going to work on that and show you exactly what to do.

Welcome to 2018, happy new year and I hope you had an absolutely awesome Christmas and fantastic new year and you are ready for action in 2018 with your golf.

We want to make sure you are playing consistent golf.

Firstly, thank you very much to Janelle. Janelle gave me a new golf outfit for Christmas just to say thanks for all the help I’ve given her with her golf and I really appreciate it. I love it. So thanks Janelle.

Now, straight on to what we want to be doing in 2018. It’s really about setting some goals, so what I have done for you today is to set up something very simple. We can do this by hand, it’s only going to take you a couple of sheets to go through or a few sheets to go through and I have made it really simple.

Remember, what we are aiming to do it to play consistent golf.

7 Questions To Ask Yourself

Question 1: What skills do I need to learn?

If you are playing off a handicap of 45, you have to learn everything. What I have written down is full swing technique, chipping technique, putting technique, bunker technique, pitching technique, consistency, focus. That is ideally what this person would need to learn if they are on a 45 handicap.

I would ideally say that no matter what handicap you are actually playing off, you need to make sure that you have all of the above. You have to make sure that the techniques are in place.

Question 2: How much time do I play comp each week?

This person says they are playing twice per week in competition.

Question 3: Currently, how much time do I practice?

Well, this person doesn’t practice at anything. Yet, they are expecting to be able to get their handicap from 45 to 36. Not achievable if you have put down the answer to question three as no practice. If you are not practicing at any time you are not going to get it. I can guarantee that you will really struggle.

Question 4: How much time should I practice realistically?

Well, depending on time, everyone is different, so I have put this person as being quite busy and practicing twice per week for an hour at a time. Everyone is going to be different, so you need to make sure you apply that, but realistically if you are practicing two hours per week then something is better that nothing and I would recommend that is the absolute base of what you should be doing with practice.

Question 5: What are the most important skills I must learn right now?

This is the period between January and March. So, what I have written down for this person with a 45 handicap if they need to work on full swing, chipping, and putting. The most important three things they need to be working on.

Question 6: What days can I practice?

Write down, days I can practice. Now this person I have put as practicing two days per week for 1 hour, Monday and Thursday and that’s what they are going to do.

Question 7: What do I practice on my practice day?

I have put an example of a person who is going to practice two times per week at an hour each time, let’s say Monday is working on the full swing, and what they need to do is work with the sand wedge, the eight iron, the hybrid and the driver, practicing their swing and working on getting the technique right.

It’s really important, especially going from a handicap of 45 to 30, not 45 to 36, you really have to make sure you are getting your technique right. If you are sitting somewhere in between that, make sure you are getting your technique spot on. Once you get under 30 you really want to make sure you are refining technique and you start putting some strategies in place. Really important.

For example, this person, on the Monday will be working on their full swing. On the Thursday they will be working on putting and chipping and they will be focusing on their technique and getting it right and spend half an hour on putting and half an hour on chipping.

Have an absolutely awesome day, take care, and remember; Tee it high and Let it fly.

To your golfing success,
If you enjoyed today’s tip “#179 Web TV: How To Play Consistent Golf in 2018” please do me a favour, share with your friends on Facebook and please leave your comments below.

Tiffany Mika

P.S. If you want to find out how you can start taking shots off your handicap today, make sure you sign up for your free three lesson mini-clinic. Click here below to find out how!

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