#113 Web TV: How To Improve Your Golf Game

How To Improve Your Golf Game

Congratulations you have made it through the first half of the year.

Have you achieved your golf goals that you have set for yourself?

Many golfers quest is to become consistent, gain more distance, even focus better in their golf rounds. But the unfortunate thing is that they actually don’t spend the time to actually plan how they are going to achieve it.

They want improvement, but the question is how are they going to get it?

Is this you?

Are you striving to learn how to improve your golf game but you are not sure how you do it?

You see you can go and practice, have lessons and play many rounds but unless you are clear what you want and how you are going to get there… it may take a while to see the improvement, if any at all.

The biggest problem I see when golfers are looking for improvement is that they gauge everything by the amount of points that they have actually had in their round. The score at times will not necessarily give you an indication on the actual improvement. It is just a number in the box.

What you need to be aware of is that you should be focusing on the actual processes and tracking each one. This is where you will see the improvement. This is where then the actual scores will improve because it is all the little things that you do that will give you the result you so badly want.

You will need to view the video up above on how to improve your golf game, as you will see exactly step by step on how you do it.

Plus I have a special bonus for you below.

Rather than trying to write up everything you see in the video I have produced templates for you to use to help you improve your golf and achieve your goals.

Here below are your templates from #113 Web TV: How To Improve Your Golf Game so that you can get to work… PLAN – EXECUTE – ACHIEVE.

Have an absolutely awesome day, take care, and remember; tee it high and let it fly.

To your golfing success,

If you enjoyed today’s tip “#113 Web TV: How To Improve Your Golf Game” please do me a favour, share with your friends on Facebook and please leave your comments below.

Tiffany Mika

P.S. If you want to find out how you can start taking shots off your handicap today, make sure you sign up for your free three lesson mini-clinic. Click here below to find out how!