Golf Swing Basics: How to Fix Your Golf Swing Slice In 5 Minutes

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Do you have a slice that is out of control? Or maybe it just creeps up on you sometimes in the middle of the round and your best efforts to fix it only make your swing worse?

Well I’ve got a VERY simple solution that could also be a long-term fix for your slice.

I used to fade or slice everything 20 years ago and it cost me 20 yards on my drives until I discovered this one tip that fixed it permanently for you.

The next time When you line up for your shot addressing the ball. Take your normal address position and then have a partner put a club up against your shoulders like this.

For most slicers, the club will point left of the target (for a right hander).

The shortcut secret to instantly fixing your slice is to turn your shoulders inward and then change nothing else and take the same swing you always do from that starting position.

Now, this might feel really weird at first. Even unnatural. But I encourage you to do this out on the range. The key here is to FEEL the difference in your swing between the way you used to do it and this way. You should feel your swing flatten out.

When you first try this, swing easy because you feel the difference better. When you swing with your normal speed, your body will try to “adjust for this little trick” and try to go back to what it’s already done.

When I was taught this, I remember being shocked as I watched the ball actually turn over and become a nice draw.

Today, this is all I do when I want to purposely work a ball right to left.
Greens and fairways,
I’m Craig Sigl