Lower Body HIIT Challenge to Improve Weight Shift-Improve Your Golf and Fitness with Cardiogolf

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Watch Karen Palacios-Jansen Golf Performance Coach demonstrate this workout.

In this workout, we will be doing various exercises that not only tone your muscles, but will help you increase your heart rate to increase your stamina and endurance on and off the golf course.

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These exercises are meant to be done in succession: follow one after the other with little to no rest in-between each exercise.
Lower Body Hit Challenge to Improve Weight Shift-


Medium to High


Par Level-Do Circuit One Time-10 minutes

Birdie Level-Do Circuit Two Times-20 minutes

Eagle Level-Do Circuit Three Times-30 minutes


Improves cardiovascular fitness, lower body endurance and weight shift.


Uphill Lie Backswing
Downhill Lie Impact to Follow-through
Forward Lunge with Core
Forward Lunge with Twist
Uphill Lie with Lead Foot Lift
Downhill Lie with Impact to Follow-through with Back Foot Tap
Forward Lunge with Wood Chop
Weight Shift Drill 
Squat with Overhead Arm Reach
Side Flexion
Back Lunge with Twist
Backswing Hold
Impact Hold
Release Hold
Follow-through Hold

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Cardiogolf Exercise 066