Tiger Woods' Leg Injuries from Car Crash [Dr. B's Injury Breakdown]

How do pro athletes, like Tiger Woods, address injury recovery after a car accident?

A serious golfer’s injury. You could interpret this in one of two ways. Either an individual who is a serious, that is seriously good, golfer is injured, or the injury itself is serious.

Unfortunately, we have a situation where both statements are true. Tiger Woods, arguably the GOAT of golf, suffered a serious injury affecting his right leg. A high-speed motor vehicle crash last week cause fractures and muscle injuries to his right leg.

We are starting a new series where we review a well-known athlete’s injury. Dr. B will review how the injury occurred, the best treatment, and what the athlete can expect during their recovery.

If one of your favorite athletes has suffered an injury and you want to hear more about it, send us a request. In the meantime, join us on noon Thursday to hear Dr. B’s take on Tiger Wood’s injury and recovery. As always, please bring your questions.


Lower Limb Control course: – mentioned in the presentation to help with flat feet aka weak or fallen arches and tibial rotation; comprehensive course to address foot, ankle and knee immobility, weakness and dysfunction.

Knee Recovery Program: – includes exercises to restore fundamental function including VMO activation; designed for any painful swollen knee, acute knee injuries like meniscus tears or chronic conditions like arthritis.

Functional Ankle Mobility Drill (Build Full ROM):