Attacking Combination Play (Development)

Continuing to pass the ball with power and accuracy across the ground is still key in this exercise but now we focus on movement and the most important element is scoring the goal.

Play a sharp wall pass and step onto the ball striking through it, aiming away from the keeper.

Coaching Points:

– Hit first time or take a touch but make sure the ball is set and your well balances
The big toe of the standing foot should be in line with the
back of the ball with a little space between the foot and ball
Lift the head to scan and see where the goal is but when striking the ball get your head over it
Shoulders can come slightly back if you want to generate
height and kick through the ball just below centre
On approach bend your knee before striking the ball, the release of this generates power from your quads to smash through the ball – tell young players to think of bringing a golf club back before releasing forward
– Don’t look up and admire your striker, this will shift your
centre of gravity and your likely to mis-hit the ball, keep the head down until the ball has left your foot
Possible Progressions:
Lift the ball in the air for the longer pass
Build on the combination by adding more wall passes/overlaps
Be creative!