Inside Takeaway Swing Error – How to Fix your Takeaway

How to Fix your Inside Takeaway Problem

Setting yourself up correctly in the address position is indeed very important for your golf swing and there are a lot of factors to consider. But once that is all done you need to be careful in how you begin your golf swing and that happens through the swing sequence of the takeaway.

If you make mistakes in the first couple of inches of your club traveling then you’ll struggle to correct those mistakes all the way through your swing until your club makes contact with the ball.

A typical, good takeaway can be referred to as being on-line. In this, you’ll see that when the shaft of the club is parallel to the ground it is pointing straight ahead at the target. It is therefore on-line with the target.

If you are taking your club too far inside during the takeaway (inside of the target line) then you are making the inside takeaway swing error.

And while you may be doing so knowingly in order to correct another error, such a swing will cause other issues down the line. Indeed, you risk getting caught as you bring your club back, forcing you to make changes in how you bring your club to the top of the swing position, which can then lead to an over the top swing error.

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