TRAINE GOLF Athlete Genevieve Ling I-Rynn – Professional Golfer

TRAINE sport-specific training program caters for all sports; and Golf is definitely the one sport that we study to a great extent to prepare the most optimum performance training related to all facets of the game. Golf is a sport that requires a lot of technical movements in the body and the ability to combine them all in a sequence that is in rhythm is key. TRAINE develops the structural elements to not only hit balls more consistently, but hit it farther than ever before through the increase of body flexibility, mobility, strengthening and speed. Increase your swing speed with a complete swing analysis and detailed pin-point specific program structure that will detect your balance and transfer of force through impact to deliver golf performance like never before.

At TRAINE, You will go through a series of assessment protocols that measure your fitness and ability as it relates specifically to your golf game. Each program is then individually designed to help you improve your performance, achieve the distance and accuracy that you thought was beyond your reach, all while decreasing the risk of injury so you can play with confidence on any course.

TRAINE Sport-Specific Performance Institute.