Fieldsports Britain – Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Squirrels

It’s squirrel time. Paul and Johnny are out after the pesky greys ahead of the songbird nesting season. They are shooting out the dreys on woodland in Bedfordshire. Meanwhile, Dartmoor deer manager Tom Davies is taking the pressure off woodland in Devon. We follow him for a day to see what his job entails, including a fallow cull and a speculative walk with a rifle looking for a big red stag. In Slovakia, the antis have taken over the government and are doing nothing as bear attacks on humans increase. Bear expert Tatiana Orosová tells our news editor Ben about the problem. The Fieldsports Nation is over 1,000 members, David is on the News Stump and Charlie promotes the best hunting videos on YouTube in Hunting YouTube. It’s all in this week’s #FieldsportsBritain

Here are the links to the individual items in this show:

▶ Squirrels

For more about Peltor SportTac hearing protection, visit or buy it on Amazon
For all our films with Paul, visit
Find out more about Shooterking clothing
To book stalking with Paul, visit or
For Johnny’s Beretta, go to

▶ Fieldsports News
Most pheasants sold for food ‘contain lead shot’
Tory thinktank wants probe into PM’s fiancée
Call for Scotland to become first ever ‘rewilding’ nation
Dead hinds and calves shock walkers and
Scotland’s country sports tourism sector to get lockdown relief
Singers post videos showing ‘murder’ of shooters
Another golf course scraps fox cull after threats from antis
Dead cat discovery at shooting estate angers antis
Giraffes electrocuted at Kenya wildlife reserve
Surge in gun sales creating boom in conservation funding and
Wolf cull in US state after court sides with hunters JSOnline and
Massive Aussie mischief of mice

▶ Swarovski Swarovski NL Pure Binoculars

▶ Dartmoor deer

Find Tom on or
For all our films with Tom, visit

▶ Tatiana Orosová

Find Tatiana on or

▶ Hunting YouTube
For the films in this week’s Hunting YouTube, go to +
For our gun and hunting YouTube channel rankings visit

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▶ Shoot responsibly
▶ Respect the quarry
▶ Ensure a humane, clean and quick kill
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