【The Automobile Council 】Vintage Cars,Old Men's Dream!

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Ore Tachi Cultus (We Are Cultus/I am Tachi Cultus in Japanese. A pun of Tachi Hiroshi’s (Japanese Actor/Singer) 1980’s commercial of the Suzuki Cultus)

No we’re not, we’re the Old Car Maniacs Team A. Just like how young men turn into middle aged men in the blink of an eye, the new shiny car that was hard to buy back in the day is now an old car. Two middle aged men thinking “We couldn’t buy it before! Maybe we can now?” are off to find out their favorite cars in place of readers and viewers.

For the third time this time around, we’ve arrived at the festival of old cars, “The Automobile Council 2019”. This festival has a concept of “where adults who are fond of cars come together at this three day wonderland”, and many car shops representing Japan showcase and sell their cars.

This place has cars of what we call the crème de la crème of old cars and for the Old Car Maniacs Team A they are all cars that are hard to reach in regards to price. However, it’s a great opportunity to learn how to have a keen of an eye to appraise old cars. Looking forward and wondering, “maybe this will be a prime time to increase my knowledge of appraising old cars?” let’s all meet at Japan Railway’s Kaihim Makuhari Station! (a spoof of the old Japanese show “It’s 8PM, Let’s All Meet!” )

As we entered the Makuhari Messe event hall, we’ve suddenly encountered legendary super cars. The Old Car Maniacs Team A were about to faint seeing the Maserati Ghibli 4.9SS, the Ferrari 365 GTB/4 (Ferrari Daytona), and Lamborghini Miura P400S.

On top of that, Yanase’s (Japan’s importer of overseas cars) booth called “The Best Cars From Around the World!” showcased the super shiny classic Mercedes and made me faint. Being all dizzy, I went to the BMW 2002’s special shop called the “Simple Auto”. I saw the BMW 02 series, BMW E9 (3.0 coupés) and the rare, small rear engined BMW 700. Remembering the good old days, middle aged man B became all teary eyed and couldn’t go any further. Furthermore, hearing the staff explaining the car restoration project at the heartwarming store specializing in classic Volvo cars and the original company’s store “Volvo Classic Garage” I was ecstatic and in heaven! It made me want to have a life with the Volvo 240 and be a new stylist or drive outdoors being festive all the time.

I want to see more cars, I want to know more about old cars. Despite having these positive thoughts, a sleepy spell enchants the middle aged man A who became tired after a long trip crossing from Tokyo to Makuhari. Meanwhile, middle age man B’s calves starts hurting. It’s coming, it’s coming.

But they never stopped walking. We’re the Old Car Maniacs Team A after all. So like the movie “Don’t Stop the Camera!” (AKA “One Cut of the Dead” a 2017 Japanese zombie comedy movie that was filmed in one shot) we walked non-stop for four hours. We stopped after listening to Mr. Kurihara, the executive producer’s advice that it would be better to make it in two parts.

For part 2, at the familiar “Middle Aged Man’s View” section you could see that rare car finally! Did the thirty year, 12,000 km mileage car sold out already? Like the rare subcompact cars and the British lightweight sports cars, old cars that will touch the hearts of middle aged men are to be seen! Please look forward!

Text:Takashi Ogiyama
Video:Akira Sekizawa

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