An affordable golf app that helps you to always practice in the right way next to your golf lessons The affordable Golf training App giving you instructions while practicing
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Want to get rid of those nasty fatshots
Want to get rid of those nasty slices?
Then put in your ear pads and simply follow our instructions
They will help you to practice properly on your own as well
So don’t wait and download this handy in-ear golf coaching app for only € 2,95 per month or € 29,95 per year

Golf app for golf coaches, novice and advanced golfers
What is the relevance of Trainingbird for golfers and golf coaches

Novice golfers
Trainingbird guides you during practice
You can practice anywhere, anytime, including at home
Choose an exercise, whether or not in consultation with your own golf coach
Watch the short instruction video once
Put your ears in
Go to your setup and simply follow the instructions
Repeat the exercise at least 50 times
You will confirm your muscle and brain memory
You can be sure that you are exercising correctly
And you will make much more progress
Then when practicing without this guidance

Advanced golfers
Trainingbird guides you during practice
You can practice anywhere, anytime, including at home
Choose an exercise, whether or not in consultation with your own golf coach
Follow the instructions as above
Take out a subscription for long-distance coaching with your coach
Make a video of approximately 60 seconds of what you practice with the app
Save it in the app
If your golf coach also has the app, he can watch the video.
Assess and provide comments and directions

Golf coaches
Golf coaches can download the app for free
Trainingbird makes long distance coaching easily possible worldwide
The app allows for additional income
Enables direct communication between coach and player
The app can provide personal attention during group lessons
Enables regional and / or national profiling of the coach
The Trainingbird app strengthens the bond between coach and players
Every golf coach can add exercises to the app

How to play less worse after a golf lesson
When the request for help from the pro at the beginning of the lesson is based on what went wrong in the past period, the emphasis of the lesson is mainly on unlearning and less on learning. There are golfers who can handle this perfectly. However, most golfers feel insecure about the change from the old habit to the new one. With this uncertainty, they then start playing their round, trying to remember the instructions just received. To their disappointment, however, they find that they play worse rather than better.

Always try to prepare your golf lesson
Trainingbird therefore advocates always preparing for your next golf lesson. In our experience a golf lesson prepared by the player in consultation with his golf coach is much more successful than an unprepared golf lesson. After all, in a lesson prepared by the player, his self-confidence will increase rather than decrease due to the compliments of his coach. The chance that he plays worse after a golf lesson is so much smaller.

Growing from a student – master to a player – coach relationship with a golf training app
In Trainingbird you can find a detailed explanation for each exercise. This is not intended to be read while you are practicing, but for the times when you have time for it. It contains the name and definition of the exercise, the problem, the cause of the problem, the effect of the problem, the purpose of the exercise, the most common mistakes and related exercises.

Tiger Woods on his swing changes:
“First I understand what to do, then it looks better, then it feels better, then it goes better during practice, then on the court and finally in a tournament”.

After all, the player is less passive by preparing his lessons and thus takes more responsibility for his own pleasure and progression. The Trainingbird method thus ensures that the nature of the relationship between the student and the teaching professional can develop from a student-master to a player-coach relationship. Thus, the return of the golf lesson can improve greatly for both.

Improving the image of golf lessons
If golfers regularly play worse after golf lessons they have not prepared for, it is understandable that they find the efficiency of the lesson too low and the price too high. The result is that they will take fewer or no lessons at all and will try to get better on their own, Usually they teach themselves many wrong things as a result, do not get better, become frustrated, accept that really getting better has only been put away for the happy few and eventually give up. Therefore, golf coaches should, in their best interest, encourage players to prepare their golf lessons with guided independent practice in order to improve the image of their golf lessons.