2021-02-13 | Yoga with Carlton | 98 mins

The class today is continuing the work around opening the hips, pelvis and lower back. There are a number of standing poses to help achieve this.

As always, the class begins slowly, gently easing you into the poses. There are a few extra core and abdominal poses today, moving into dolphin strut and then on to the sun salutations. Then you will work into three pose vignettes with an inversion thrown in against the wall.

You will find that having a block, a roll and a strap will assist with some of the poses as well as access to a wall for the inversion.

As with all of Carlton’s classes, you will work through a series of poses. Some of the poses are stronger than others, but you will always be given alternative poses that are less intensive.

It is important to listen to your body and work at a level that suits you. If you feel any pain or discomfort then ease back.