The TWO BIGGEST FEARS In GOLF! | One you know, One you don't

Fear of failure prevents us from playing our best. After a player truly overcomes the slice, there’s a new, ever-present obstacle to overcome – fear of hitting the ball fat. You can never truly swing confidently and powerfully if you’re scared of hitting the ball fat. Sure, some shots should be played cautiously, but not all. Without danger there should be full confidence that you’ll execute the shot properly EVERY TIME. You should be as confident hitting a golf ball as you are throwing one. People take practice swing after practice swing trying to make sure they don’t do anything wrong. Nothing but bad thoughts, “don’t do this, don’t do that.” After a player truly overcomes the slice

Golf should not be a struggle. Golf should not be hard. Golf is easy if you know the secret. Start playing golf well. Gain confidence and have more fun playing golf.

Matzie Men’s Assist Swing Trainer
Igotcha swing weight
Bionic Golf Glove
Overhand Golf Shirt

#holygrailofgolf #overhandgolf #effortlesspower