Golf Stroke Mechanics Tip | How to Properly Keep Your Golf Arms Connected While Putting

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Ted Norby, Director of Instruction for the National University Golf Academy, explains how to improve your golf putting mechanics with a simple drill. To discuss this golf tip with other golfers and share your own, leave a comment below. We look forward to your feedback.

My name’s Ted Norby, Director of Instruction for the National University Golf Academy. Talking about putting mechanics, there are a couple of thoughts. One is, and most instructors believe this, that the wrist really can’t break down, so what we’re trying to do is get the hands and the handle of the club going through at the same time. The problem with that is a lot of times, when we get the handle to go through, the left arm separates also, which can make the club face move all over the place. So what I need to do is get the hands to go through but keep the upper left arm close to the body. So one way to do this is just get the putter head cover tuck in under the arm, not way up under the armpit, but kind of down in to the middle of the upper arm and take some strokes feeling that this upper arm stays close but the handle keeps going through. You may feel it in your left wrist staying firm, you might feel it in your right wrist staying cupped, you might feel it the right palm, doesn’t really matter. It’s just the fact that this whole triangle, from the forearms down to the hands and the handle, keep going through. So as I setup to the ball it creates a solid positive stroke to the hole without breaking down in the left arm. So what we want to do is stay stable with this left side, keep it close, firm with the left side going through so the left side doesn’t break it down. If you’re firm through the ball, don’t let the left side break down, you’ll hit solid putts and more putts will go in.


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