Split Stancee Single Arm Lateral Kettlebell Swings

Here’s MLB pro baseball player Parker Meadows showing the most advanced version of the lateral swing exercise the single arm split stance version.

Also Valentines Day sale starts today with 20% off all products (code LOVE20) or get $75 off my book MOVEMENT REDEFINED or Functional Weight Training program with code SAVE75 at link in bio.

Also big shoutout and credit to 5 strength coaches I stole & modified these from including Vernon Griffith, Christian Thibaudeau, Alex Whitehair, Lee Boyce, and Gareth Sapested. Definitely follow everyone of these amazing coaches. I simply took some of their methods & modified them for my athletes.

These exercises are not only incredibly beneficial for rotational sports & athletes such as baseball, golf, hockey, tennis, & also fighters but they also work the hips & core musculature in a very unique way that all fitness enthusiasts could benefit from.

I have my athletes perform 2 variations on any given training day. We start with the isometric variation where the lifter slows the movement down to dial in the mechanics, technique, & neuromuscular firing patterns. These lateral swings requires some unique & subtle activation techniques that can easily get sloppy & biomechanically flawed if in fact the lifter jumps too quickly into the rapid variations.

Once the lifter grooves the appropriate neural patterns & activation into their CNS & cleans up any neuromuscular aberrations then we move to the more explosive & dynamic counterparts with heavier loads. I found the iron grip 25 plates worked best for bilateral isometric variations whereas kettlebells felt most natural for the explosive swings. #sportsperformance #athleticperformance #functionaltraining #golftraining #tennistraining #core #kettlebellswings #kettlebell #stability #balance